We collaborate with Muwekma tribal members and allies to advance the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe's goals of resilience, cultural revitalization, community education, and efforts for access, ownership, and stewardship of ancestral lands.

we envision a future where the Muwekma people:

  • Have reestablished our sacred connection to our ancestral land and utas warep (steward the land-base where we have always been). The land has hišwee síi (clean water), clean air, healthy soil.

  • Awaken, practice, and protect our ’innu heeme (culture), noonokma (languages), yišša (dancing) on the land.

  • Honor mak muwékmakuš (our ancestors) through mak ’ukšeeree (our work)

  • Are tašukne (recognized as sovereign) and treated with dignity and ’úni (respect).